In the real world time is money, and worksites have no time for unwanted water. Sulzer has the solutions in a complete pump range for reliable dewatering.

Whether you work in mining, tunneling or construction, the pumps here are your best insurance against waterrelated downtime. From purchasing to service, you can turn to Sulzer for dewatering solutions that make a difference in the real world.

Submersible Drainage Pump J

Submersible drainage pump J is suitable for pumping water and dirty water mixed with light abrasives. The low weight and compact design makes for convenient transport, handling and installation.

Submersible Drainage Pump XJ

Submersible drainage pump XJ is excellent for pumping water and dirty water mixed with light abrasives. The slim design makes the pump easy to move and easy to handle.

Submersible Drainage Center-Line Pumps JC and XJC

Submersible drainage center-line pumps JC and XJC are excellent for pumping water and dirty water mixed with light abrasives. The slim design makes them easy to move and easy to handle, and they are perfect for applications with limited installation space.

Submersible Sludge Pump JS

Submersible sludge pump JS is excellent for pumping dirty water and water mixed with solids. The pump has a slim design and low weight, which makes it easy to move and easy to handle.

Submersible Sludge Pump XJS

Submersible sludge pump XJS is excellent for pumping dirty water and water mixed with solids. The slim design makes the pump easy to move and easy to handle.

AquaTronic and Other Supervision Options

Submersible dewatering pumps XJ, XJC and XJS have several options for electronic supervision that make them even more reliable and easy to use. Most important is the AquaTronic unit, which ensures correct motor rotation every time.