Reliable pumps to handle any flood emergency

Climate change is challenging natural disaster prevention. When water runs off the land in large quantities, Sulzer’s comprehensive range of pumps provide reliable, cost effective and efficient solutions for flood control.



SJP vertical propeller pump

SJP vertical propeller pumps are typically used to pump large flows of water upward at low head from open water sources such as oceans, rivers, lakes, cooling ponds, tanks and sumps.



Submersible propeller pump type ABS VUPX

The VUPX pumps are ideal for applications where large volumes of storm or process water have to be pumped to heads up to a maximum of 10 meters.



Submersible mixed flow column Pump type ABS AFLX

Save space and reduce installation costs with the AFLX range of submersible axial-flow pumps, designed for direct installation in discharge pipes



Submersible sewage pump type ABS XFP 1.3-30 kW

The submersible sewage pump type ABS XFP models PE1 to PE3 are designed for use in standard and network pumping stations.



Submersible sewage pump type ABS XFP 30-750 kW

The submersible sewage pump type ABS XFP models PE4 to PE7 are designed for use in terminal and engineered pumping stations.



Drainage pumps

Submersible drainage pumps J and XJ are excellent for pumping water and dirty water mixed with light abrasives. The pump design enables convenient transport, handling and installation. Pumps with built in AquaTronic unit will always have correct direction of impeller rotation, ensuring peak performance and reduced wear.